Nonrefundable Credit Card Authorization Form

Please complete all fields.

In order to reduce chargebacks, it is necessary to have a completed credit card authorization form as shown below. Also, it is critical to capture an AVS (Address Verification System) match when processing the transaction. Entering in the billing zip code of the cardholder captures AVS. Submitting the cardholder’s address and CVV code lowers risk further. When applicable, a proof of delivery is required. Any item that is being returned must be in “like new” condition and will incur a ​20%​ restocking fee. There are no returns on non stocked items (this includes parts ordered from the Mclaren factory that are not normally stocked in our inventory).



I, authorize McLaren Charlotte to charge the debit/credit card listed above for the agreed upon purchases listed above on or after the date list below. This is permission for a single transaction, per item, unless otherwise agreed upon, and does not provide authorization for any additional unrelated debits or credits to your account. By completing and signing this form, I acknowledge that the charges, once charged, are non-refundable. I certify that I am an authorized user of this debit/credit card and that I will not dispute the payment with my credit card company, so long as the transaction corresponds to the terms indicated in this form.

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